Hey guys, it’s me. If you can, I’d like you all to spare a moment and hear what I have to say.

Some of us here are trapped. Fallen into the abyss of darkness that we ourselves have created. Some of us here lie to ourselves every day, just to escape the reality of life. Some of us here are made of steel! Steel that has now been shaped and mended by others.

That feeling you feel when you’re misunderstood by the entire human race. When the whole world collapses on you. When you are alone. When you think way too much. When you've changed into somebody you never wanted to be. When you have become blinded and lost. When your family, friend or pet has left this world because of sickness, suicide, or accident. When the love of your life has walked away from you, leaving you shattered. When your voice, was voiceless.

Everyday problems come in to our life whether we like it or not. Some of us here panic, and end creating MORE problems instead of solving them. Every day we complain and ask ourselves “Why?” instead of saying “I will” to fix the issue.

Yes, all of you would have felt this, or feeling it now, or will even feel it one day. Depression, it’s like a shadow that sits on your shoulder and multiplies itself until it finally consumes you. It follows you wherever you go and can talk you to thinking things that can ashen your dreams and life. Depression is a serious matter.

I, myself, have been fighting depression for a long time. It’s tough, I know. But that’s the best way to eliminate it. I tried running away from it for years, and it ended up really giving me a nightmare. I suffer now and I’m struggling. It’s as if I can’t breathe. It’s like my world around me is a pile of rubbish and I must make something out of it. I've thought so much that I can’t think anymore. I've cried an ocean of tears that I can’t cry anymore. But what will tears bring me? Absolutely nothing but self-pity.

Please don’t end up like who I used to be. Don’t run away from it, but FIGHT it off. Find your light. Your light will lead you to what you've longed for, for where you really belong.
Start being aware of what you think of. Whenever a negative thought comes through, IMMEDIATELY change it to a positive thought. List down the things you are grateful for. Look at the world you live in. You live in a WONDERFUL world. You may feel like you live in a hole, but that is only what YOU tell yourself. It’s time for you push yourself into broadening your horizons. 

This is what I learnt from my experience:

You don’t like the way you are treated, raise your voice and be HEARD. 

You don’t like the life you have now, WORK HARD, STUDY HARD, and PLAY HARD for a BETTER future. The future that you want! Not what your family and friends want.

You want to be top in class, lose weight or be the best in the football team, you need to put in EFFORT.

You’re tired of being bullied or hated on, SEEK for HELP and STAND your ground.

You’re feeling down or empty, learn to LAUGH and ENJOY the little things in life.

You’ve been rejected by the person you love and totally ignored. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, THEY DON’T DESERVE YOU.

Not a single bit of you. Prove yourself and stand tall and trust me they’ll come running back.

Anything that belongs to you, WILL come back to you.

With every reward you get, you must suffer to earn it. Nothing comes easy in life.

That’s what I learnt. I apply these rules and I have become who I am – A Fighter.

And another thing. Please, REALIZE what you have before it disappears forever. You’ll regret it so bad if you don’t learn to appreciate what you have before it goes. I have lost important people in my life through death, and will be losing more soon. I learned to cherish every single moment, every breath I take, and love whatever it is that has given to me in life.

Life is beautiful. You are experiencing only ONE phase of your life. You have many more to go.

With that said and done, if anyone of you have a problem or even feeling depressed, PLEASE, confront me. You can directly contact me, talk to me through my social media platforms, and you can tell me all about it. I would love to help you and be there for you because I know what it feels like to be alone. I’m a person who is true to my word. You can trust me to not telling a soul.

Depression has to come to an end one way or another. And it starts by making a difference TODAY.